Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

December 2012

Hope everyone is safe in their activities this evening.

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sign your techie friends are coming over: you have apple 30-pin, lighting, and micro-usb chargers lined up and waiting.

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Other people sing in the grocery store too right?

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IBMResearch Explore all the infographics, blogs & articles

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To everyone doing course development between Christmas and NYE, good luck.

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Randomly started singing a Spice Girls song…

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problem with snowmen printed on your wrapping paper: inevitably, you end up decapitating a whole family of snowpeople while wrapping.

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Other cops give Newtown police Christmas off…

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… B) don’t tell me the print cartridge cradle can not move while I’m watching it move!

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dear printer: A) after I get you $50 in new ink, is not a good time to malfunction…

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wilshipley “God have mercy on our souls” is not something you want to be putting in your commit notices.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 8:33 PM, Dec 22nd, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

gailcarmichael Any suggestions that aren’t SIGCSE for where I could publish our ‘teaching CS with story’ study, possibly as a WIP or poster if not a paper?

via web (retweeted on 5:04 PM, Dec 22nd, 2012 via Twitter for iPhone)

So if the world is ended, guess rebuilding/building desktops was a bad way to spend today.

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It’s the end of the world and right now I’m just enjoying that @UnideskCorp included leading zeros in machine names in 2.0.

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MattWillisDC Okay, can’t help but chuckle at the idea that RIM couldn’t even get BB10 done before the end of the world.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 6:46 PM, Dec 20th, 2012 via Twitter for iPhone)

@JacobIsbell saw that, Monday’s 7pm photo has discussion of class, textbooks and what we’re covering.

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I’m more worried about getting my cards out than getting my Christmas tree put up.

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Just an FYI, some of you may not end up with your Christmas cards until after Christmas.

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Really wanted to tag that last tweet with , no idea why.

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Went to set couple of layer priorities in migrated 2.0 environment, discovered those migrated too! (cc: @UnideskCorp)

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cameronmoll “We need a social ‘Penalty Box’ rather than an outright ‘Block’ button,” argues Sarah Weinman.…

via web (retweeted on 9:05 PM, Dec 18th, 2012 via Twitter for iPad)

Guess a large sections & teaching adjunct results in trying to streamline things.

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did take a pass at a syllabus for CSC 3100… Looking rather long at this point, yet one of the simpler course structures I’ve ever had.

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updating VMware products and their Windows hosts, what an exciting Tuesday night!

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@iShBuu @RonOglesby glad to see I’m not the only one who had that idea!

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@JacobIsbell you on Facebook? — posted there already, otherwise can copy & paste, assuming it fits in 140 chars.

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BrainBattleICPC “Some programmers, confronted w/a problem, think ‘I know, I’ll use floating point arithmetic.’ Now they have 1.999997 problems.” - @tomscott

via HootSuite (retweeted on 5:54 PM, Dec 18th, 2012 via Twitter for iPad)

This server is taking forever to boot, I think it is wise to my game…

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Updating servers and making plans for CSC 3100 for Spring 2013.

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_technovation_ Getting ready to present at on “Its Not Just Pink: Strategies to help Girls Investigate Nanotechnology” @IBMResearch @nisenet

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:19 PM, Dec 14th, 2012 via Twitter for iPhone)

Made it to Wednesday of finals week before subjecting @elbrownmcne to Elf’s Lament and the remainder of my “demented” Christmas music

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wawoodworth With so much technology and computers in libraries these days, shouldn’t librarians be using the Dewey Hexadecimal System?

via web (retweeted on 6:56 PM, Dec 13th, 2012 via Twitter for iPhone)

sglassmeyer Fax result: Ok is disappointing. It should be Fax result: OH MY GOD YOU SENT WORDS AND IMAGES THROUGH SPACE WITH BLIPS AND BOOPS. AMAZING.

via web (retweeted on 6:56 PM, Dec 13th, 2012 via Twitter for iPhone)

GenomeGal Interesting thought! MT @HealthPrivacy Not leveraging each patient encounter for broader learning treats each patient as a silo.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:22 AM, Dec 13th, 2012 via Twitter for iPhone)

UnideskCorp RT @DellSMBnews Tools outside standard VMware tools are needed for anything past basic DT deployments. <- That tool is Unidesk

via web (retweeted on 5:30 PM, Dec 12th, 2012 via Twitter for iPhone)

@CharterEmily anywhere to submit such comments that would be seen by higher ups?

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@CharterEmily Lack of clear & useful interface with @Charter will impact my future use of Charter services & ability to recommend to others.

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Have to say @Charter’s social media team has been a consistently knowledgable and helpful interface with Charter. Will be missed!

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How long until the b-school case studies come over the end of @Charter social media customer service and resulting alienation of customers?

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Santa may have one of the few jobs made easier by Facebook.

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Rocking some Owl City for the evening.

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@ThatAndromeda @Rudibrarian One list per excel file, or both lists in same worksheet? Also, what version of excel?

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sparklej Is the toy for boys or girls? A handy flowchart:

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:28 PM, Dec 8th, 2012 via Twitter for iPad)

and the haircut is done!

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BrainBattleICPC Remember @IBMWatson on @Jeopardy? See what the supercomputer is up to now!

via HootSuite (retweeted on 10:43 AM, Dec 4th, 2012 via Twitter for iPhone)

New lunchtime game: How Many Cars Can We Fit in this Intersection.

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Thought I had both 1.6.3 & Unidesk 2.0 consoles open, confused++ until figuring out I had two copies of the 2.0 console.

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Every time I’ve looked in a mirror today my thought has been “I need to get a haircut”, guess I know what’s on top of the list this week

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TEDxSandyHill Gail: “Everyone can benefit from learning some computer science”

via web (retweeted on 7:20 PM, Dec 2nd, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)