Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

June 2010

I can never remember to remove search highlight in Komodo Edit, press the escape key. Why doesn’t @ActiveState put this someplace on a menu?

via Tweetie for Mac

I primary write in pencil, why do I have 1 pencil and 17 black and blue pens on my desk? (not including red ones or highlighters) #fb

via Tweetie for Mac

rss reader unread: 0, let’s not talk about how I got it there.

via Tweetie for Mac

GeoShore Typed in ‘Librarians’ in Google and here’s the autolist. The ninth one is intriguing…

via Twitpic (retweeted on 7:34 PM, Jun 25th, 2010 via web)

Picked up @OReillyMedia C# in a nutshell, turns out it is a pretty good size nut. Hopefully this project will turn out well.

via web

I think @mrwtn865 was onto something with the idea of figuring out a plan to get everyone to move to the same town. #fb

via web

anti-spam technology is really cutting down on opportunities for me to help out oppressed political dissidents with large sums of money. #fb

via web

anyone else have problems with not rendering a scrollbar when displaying long wikipedia articles? #fb

via web

not sure who was responsible for me adding @griffinhouse to my music to checkout list, @mrwtn865 or @danaferguson maybe, but thanks!

via web

in the summer, it’s all about figuring out what time zone you’re working in. This way you can stay in compliance with the 4:30 rule. #fb

via web

chi2010 It’s been fun y’all. Now go follow @chi2011. Tell your friends. #chi2010 #chi2011

via web (retweeted on 5:44 PM, Jun 22nd, 2010 via web)

creepyed Register for Grace Hopper 2010 before July 6th to get the Super Early Bird rate!! #ghc10

via web (retweeted on 4:48 PM, Jun 21st, 2010 via web)

if you’re in Cookeville, 12th Street between Willow and Dixie is closed tonight and tomorrow. #fb

via web

smashingmag jQuery Fundamentals: Free Online Book -

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:33 AM, Jun 18th, 2010 via web)

@mrwtn865 I normally don’t shorten my URLs.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mrwtn865

@nicolibrarian Doing ok, still kicking, owe you an email or two…

via web in reply to nicolibrarian

Boo @twitter automatic url shortening, like people to know where they are headed, thank you very much!

via web

first @twitter starts falling apart, now it seems @AIMRunningMan isn’t running so well: #fb

via web

@Script_Junkie Bit of an error on the jQuery button article, Figure 2 and the text immediately following the figure aren’t in agreement.

via web in reply to Script_Junkie

wawoodworth @hmccormack The label that drives me insane is “digital natives”. I imagine a little digital island with digital grass skirts.

via web (retweeted on 11:06 AM, Jun 17th, 2010 via web)

found a fortune cookie while cleaning: “the change you started already have far-reaching effects. Be ready” seems fitting #fb

via web

just used the new reader feature in Safari 5, it’s actually pretty cool!

via web

@panic that’s not a bug, that’s a “long time customer bonus feature” ;)

via web in reply to panic

hope everyone is having a good weekend! #fb

via web

The num and type of cloths in iKlear cleaning kits these days is amazing, I fear however I’m approaching my limit keeping them straight. #fb

via web

adruin I sadly agree! RT @curiouslee “…so many people in both computing and education are ‘reinventing the flat tire.’ ” -Alan Kay

via Twitterrific (retweeted on 10:19 PM, Jun 12th, 2010 via web)

maybe after I knock something off my desk for the second time I should question where I put in on the desk…

via Twitter for iPhone

smashingmag That’s a game for CSS color lovers: guess the HEX-color with “What the Hex?”-

via API (retweeted on 5:37 PM, Jun 11th, 2010 via web)

went to do a minor modification to my webpage, decided instead to redo the whole page…

via web

played with Microsoft Expression Suite for bit, finding the dark UI hard to use, also a bit lost in general, may need to find some docs. #fb

via Twitter for iPhone

maybe the whole point of apple’s big fancy server farm is for when they launch new releases of iOS ;)

via web

me: “and if it’s on twitter, it’s on the internet, and thus it must be true right?” #fb

via web

Starting to think that instead of getting all my friends in one place to play Mario Kart, just need to get a distance party going. #fb

via web

Got my PS 208 Locke Lions t-shirt from @panic today. Get one today and be the cool kid on your block (

via web

Not sure on this one… RT @cultofmac: Brighten Up Your Mac With Bros And Mos

via web

It seems I have a follow cost of 96.2 milliscobles. (…) (@followcost) Now if only I knew what this meant.

via web

edchi geek out! RT @terrellrussell RT @ciphergoth Draw a symbol, get the LaTeX equivalent I will use this all the time!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:16 PM, Jun 10th, 2010 via web)

Morgan_Kaufmann Just scheduled twitter sales for the rest of 2010. Watch out for your favorite MK #Data Management books on Fri and #Graphics on Wed!

via HootSuite (retweeted on 2:15 PM, Jun 10th, 2010 via web)

merrierm Started social media paper discussion group. wnt 2 follow along remotely? #MSRSocPapers - ths week: Aardvark WWW paper

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:12 PM, Jun 10th, 2010 via web)

Given some people I saw talking about how distracting the background on @bing is when searching, @google has made an interesting change…

via web

at the same time @wordpress has you covered if you don’t, with info on how to fix it after the fact…

via Twitter for iPhone

word to the wise for anyone that decides to move a @wordpress folder around on the filesystem: read the documentation first!

via Twitter for iPhone

I’m starting to think my friends just don’t have good taste in movies…

via Twitter for iPhone

sometimes I do crazy things, like installing a new version of my web browser (#Safari) the day it is released. #fb

via Twitter for iPhone

installing Visual Studio on the day of the #WWDC2010 keynote, how’s that for irony? ;)

via Twitter for iPhone

I think he overestimates me RT @mrwtn865 I’m going to go ahead and recreate this account or I’ll never hear the end of it from @kayakerscout

via web

ghc :-) RT @NERSC: Grace Hopper to, uhm, grace NERSC’s first petaflop/s system: Cray XE6 named in her honor.

via Seesmic (retweeted on 7:09 PM, Jun 4th, 2010 via web)

anyone found a frame for the @mixonline ‘A Website Named Desire’ poster? (http://awebsitenameddesi…)

via web 3.2.1, answers “When will the sun logos disappear?” Have to say I’ll miss then, but the new icons/colors aren’t bad. #fb

via web

sitepointdotcom Our 8-part CSS Video Crash Course (valued at $29.95) is FREE for 7 days only. Go on… you know you want to… ^hawk

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:47 AM, Jun 4th, 2010 via web)

ibmdesign “If there’s a ‘trick’ to it, the UI is broken.” Douglas Anderson

via API (retweeted on 10:39 AM, Jun 4th, 2010 via web)

Have @mixonline poster in hand, now, where to hang it. #fb

via web

ghc registration is now open! 10th annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Sept 28 – Oct 2 Atlanta, GA #ghc10

via HootSuite (retweeted on 7:39 PM, Jun 1st, 2010 via web)

overheard in the office:
Me: “did you just say you were training chimps?”
Someone: “No”
Me: “Ok, just checking”

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